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Walking Fluffy: Do or Don’t?

July 01, 2024

Cats are all unique, and they all have distinct purrsonalities. Although some prefer lying around all day, basking in the sun and chasing catnip mice, many of our feline friends are far more adventurous. As you may have noticed, we strongly advocate for keeping cats inside. Being indoors keeps Fluffy safe from potential threats such as cars, severe weather, wild animals, and contact with stray or dangerous pets and people. However, there is a happy medium. Walking your pet is a fantastic way to give her the best of both worlds! This post includes advice from a Galloway, OH veterinarian on walking a kitty.

Is It Safe for Cats to Go on Walks?

Most cats should be fine going for walks alongside their owners. But there are a few exceptions. If Fluffy is a senior and for walks before, it’s generally best to leave her alone. Not every kitty is able to handle  vigorous physical activity. Persians and other brachycephalic pets can quickly lose their breath, especially in warm weather. Cats with medical issues may suffer, while bald cats will not be comfortable in extreme temperatures, hot or cold. Walking may be inappropriate for extremely young kittens. Consult with your Galloway, OH veterinarian for advice.

If Fluffy gets the all-clear, there are certain safety hazards to be cautious of. However, a few simple precautions can considerably lessen them. Keep an eye out for cars, stray pets, and other hazards on the sidewalk, such as broken glass, antifreeze pools, or chemical spills. You’ll need to use a short leash rather than a retractable one to keep your cat close to you and prevent her from roaming too far. 

Something else to remember? Walking a cat is significantly different than walking a dog. Allow your pet to explore as long as she stays inside safe limits. (You can probably give up on teaching your furball to Heel or Sit on command.) 

Finally, be cautious when approaching trees. If Fluffy gets scared, she may instinctively try to climb one, risking being stuck or entangled. That is not a desirable situation! When taking your cat outside, always use a leash and a harness!

Are There Any Downsides to Walking a Cat?

It’s equally important to consider the drawbacks. Once you’ve taught Fluffy to wear a harness and go for walks, it’ll become a permanent part of her daily feline routine. If your cat enjoys going for walks, she might insist on going every day. If she doesn’t get to go out, she may become irritated … or worse, attempt to flee. 

Can I take my pet in a stroller?

Getting Fluffy a little stroller is an option worth considering. There are various advantages to picking this option. Your pet will be safe from potential threats. She won’t get as much exercise, though.

What Other Things Can I Do To Keep My Cat Content? 

Fluffy should have other options for entertainment other than just walking. Your feline buddy appreciates both toys and fun, and will also enjoy having plenty of space to explore and climb throughout the house. 

While cat trees are a popular choice, there are other options for keeping your adorable feline entertained, such as empty boxes and newspaper tunnels. Cats enjoy sitting at window seats, as they can sunbathe and spy on local wildlife all at the same time.

What Are The Benefits Of Walking Your Cat?

Fluffy benefits from walks in the same ways that humans do. She will be getting some exercise, which is good for her overall health. Our feline buddies are full of energy when they are kittens, but as they age, they become less active. (Eventually, Fluffy will be able to sleep 20 hours every day, but that is another story.) 

Going for a walk may also provide your adorable pet with much-needed stimulation. Pets’ mental and emotional health are essential to their overall well-being. Cats, like us, need enrichment to thrive. Exploring new things can be a thrilling and enjoyable experience for your inquisitive little furball. 

Although there are advantages to taking Fluffy for a walk, it’s vital to remember that not all cats will enjoy it. Going for a walk could be stressful for a scared pet. Things could also go in the opposite direction. Fluffy may become overly enthusiastic about going for walks and attempt to flee if someone opens the door.

How Do I Teach My Feline Pal to Walk On A Leash?

Attaching a leash to your pet and expecting her to walk gently behind you is not a good strategy. Before taking Fluffy outside, make sure she’s comfortable wearing a harness. When choosing a harness, avoid ones that attach the leash to the neck. Something with a back clip works best.

At first, simply let Fluffy wear the harness in the house. You want her to create an enjoyable association with the harness. Help her along by giving her something she likes, such as biscuits or catnip, while she wears it. Your kitten may initially lie down and refuse to move. That stubborn ‘cat flop’ mode will not last forever! Give her some time to acclimate.

Keep a close eye on your cat while she is wearing the harness. Although she may appear unsettled at first, she will quickly settle in. After that, you can begin attaching the leash. Let her draw it behind her. She may initially assault it or flee from it.

Simply keep a watch on her to ensure she does not become entangled. Never let her go unaccompanied in her harness. Once your cat is comfortable with the leash, you can take her outside.

The First Walk

Safety comes first! Before you go out with Fluffy, make sure she has received all required vaccines and is parasite-free. Fluffy should be microchipped and wearing current ID tags. To be safe, consider getting a GPS or air tag for her harness as well. 

It’s better to begin with a short, relaxed walk. Simply step out onto the yard or sidewalk and allow your cat to investigate her surroundings. She may feel anxious at first, but she is likely to become curious. If she begins to cry or attempts to flee indoors, do not compel her to stay outside. 

When Should You Start Walking Your Cat? 

While this isn’t required, it’s best done around the end of little Fluffy’s socialization window, which lasts between three weeks and three months. Her perspective of the world is still developing at this adorable stage. Introducing her to a variety of people and situations throughout this period can help her evolve into a pleasant and receptive kitten. This isn’t a must, though: you can still teach a grown-up furball to go for strolls. 

However, your cat will need to go through the initial round of vaccines and parasite control first. You must wait for your Galloway, OH veterinarian’s clearance. Don’t go anywhere with Fluffy until you’ve been given official approval. 

Schedule An Appointment At Our Galloway, OH Veterinary Clinic

Have you got any questions about walking your cat? Feel free to contact us, your neighborhood Galloway, OH pet hospital, at any time. We are always happy to assist you!


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175 Galloway Rd.
Galloway, OH 43119
t: (614) 870-3900
f: (614) 870-6655

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