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Keeping Your Dog Safe From The Heat

June 15, 2024

Summer can be really fun for dogs. After all, it is peak season for many of Fido’s favorite pastimes, like hiking, camping, playing, and swimming. Man’s Best Friend is also fond of chasing squirrels, rolling around in mud puddles, and splashing in pools. No matter what your pet enjoys, it’s important to realize that the heat can be very dangerous for him, and to take steps to protect him. A local Galloway, OH vet offers advice on how to do that in this article.

What Are the Signs My Dog Is Getting Too Hot?

Our canine companions can become dangerously hot very rapidly in hot weather. Fido can only cool down through his paw pads, as he cannot sweat. Panting only helps to a limited extent. Keep an eye out for warning signs, such as panting, dehydration, drooling, trembling, discolored gums, lack of urine output, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion. If you see any of these signs, you should cool down your pet right away. You can offer Fido some lukewarm water to drink. Spritzing him with water and wiping a cool, wet towel over him can also be beneficial. Contact your veterinarian or a pet urgent care center as you are doing this. They will be able to provide detailed instructions.

How Do I Keep My Dog Safe in the Summer?

Aside from ensuring that Fido is cool and hydrated, there are a few additional things that should be taken into consideration. Paw burns are one thing to be cautious of. Use paw balm or wax, and keep your pet away from hot surfaces. If it’s too hot to walk barefoot, it’s too hot for your pet!

Also, never leave your pet in a car unsupervised. Temperatures inside parked cars can rise dangerously quickly.

Fido should also be fixed, microchipped, and up-to-date on vaccinations and parasite prevention. If he is overdue, contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment.

How Will I Know It’s Too Hot for Fido to Be Outside?

In general, you should use caution whenever the temperature rises above 80 degrees. Even temperatures above 75 degrees Fahrenheit might be harmful for some dogs. Huskies, for example, have an abundance of dense fur. That bulky coat is ideal for cold, snowy weather, but it can be pretty unpleasant in the heat.

If it’s over 90, you’ll need to be really cautious. Anything above 100 is exceedingly risky.

One of the big dangers in summer is leaving pets in cars. The threshold for that is much lower. Cars can become sweltering hot in just a few minutes, even when it’s just 75. Never leave Fido in a vehicle unattended. (The only exception is if you happen to have a Tesla with pet mode. However, even those aren’t foolproof. Last year, a police dog tragically died when the automated AC in a car malfunctioned.

How Can I Keep My Dog Cool in Summer?

Fido cannot turn down the air conditioner or point a fan at himself, so you’ll need to take a few precautions to keep him safe.

Water is crucial. Fido should always have access to fresh drinking water. You may need to set out more water stations, especially if you have a large property and/or multiple dogs. On hot days, add a couple ice cubes to your pet’s water bowl. Always bring water when you go out with your pet. You can get your dog a water bottle with a dispenser to drink from. This is a useful item to keep in the car, along with some bottled water.

Your pooch should also have access to climate-controlled rooms. If your pet has a yard to chase squirrels in, make sure there is a shady spot for him outside. If you don’t have shade trees, you can put up a canopy.

You may also need to modify Fido’s routine for walks and playtime. Bring him out in the mornings and evenings, when it is cooler outside. However, keep in mind that the pavement can stay scorching for some time after the sun has gone down.

Your dog will appreciate having a comfortable bed. You might want to consider getting your cute pet a raised bed. Because they let air flow below them, they stay cooler than traditional beds. You can also position a fan near or over the bed. Just make sure your dog can’t knock it over onto himself.

Cooling mats and pads might also be helpful. These are ideal for pups that suffer with the heat. There are many different ones available, so do some research before purchasing one. If you want to go the DIY route, store a clean towel in the freezer for your pet and place it in his bed. Alternatively, hang a damp bandana around his neck. The water will cool Fido down as it evaporates. (Plus, your canine companion will look adorable.)

If you have a yard, get your pooch a kiddie pool to play in. Fido may also like playing in the water with a hose or doggie sprinkler. You can even get your dog a fountain that sprays water in the air when he steps on it.

Grooming is also crucial. Some dogs will feel more at ease with a nice summer do. Of course, some puppies have fur that should never be trimmed. If Fido has a double coat, a haircut may damage his fur. Talk to your vet and groomer about your pet’s beauty care needs.

What Snacks Can I Offer to My Dog on Hot Days?

We all enjoy a chilly treat on hot days. Fido also adores frozen treats! This is an excellent way to get the little tail moving.

Doggy Ice Cream: Many pet stores sell ice cream created just for Man’s Best Friend. Ben & Jerry’s even makes one! You can also create your own. There are a lot of recipes online. Just stick to safe ingredients.

Pupsicles: This is a simple recipe that your pet will undoubtedly like! You’ll need some paper cups, like Dixie cups. Set them out on a tray and fill with water or sodium-free broth. You can also combine the two. Place them in the freezer to solidify slightly before inserting a chew stick into the center of each. Allow them to completely freeze. Simply pop one out when you want to offer Fido a snack.

Broth Cubes: This is another simple one. Pour sodium-free broth into an ice cube tray and freeze. You can also include shredded pork, bacon pieces, shredded cheese, peas, canned chicken or tuna, and dog-safe fruits and vegetables. Ask your vet for advice on this.

Is Swimming Good for Dogs?

Swimming can be a terrific option or quite risky. It all depends on the dog. Some of our canine buddies like splashing and playing in the water. Labs and Golden Retrievers, for example, are excellent swimmers who are overjoyed when they get to go swimming. Swimming, on the other hand, should be avoided for brachycephalic dogs like pugs. Because of their narrow airways, these guys can get into serious problems even in shallow water. If you’re not sure whether Fido is cut out for swimming, see your veterinarian.

If you get the green light, follow the same water safety guidelines as you would for a toddler. First and foremost, never leave your pet unattended near the water. Ask your Galloway, OH vet for more information on this. 

Have Fun With Fido!

This is an excellent time to go on some fun trips with your pet best buddy. In the evenings, toss a ball for Fido or take him for a walk around a beautiful park. Time with dogs is never wasted!

Book An Appointment At Our Galloway, OH Pet Hospital

Is your dog in need of an examination? Have you got any questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact your Galloway, OH pet hospital today!

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175 Galloway Rd.
Galloway, OH 43119
t: (614) 870-3900
f: (614) 870-6655

Also serving Westland and
surrounding areas.

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Hours are by appointment only including those for medication, food, and product pick-up.